Виртуальная Instagram-модель стала образом полковника Сандерса – FoxTime

Виртуальная Instagram-модель стала образом полковника Сандерса


Глеб Голицын


Сеть ресторанов KFC представила новый образ полковника Сандерса, основателя компании. Это реалистично нарисованная виртуальная модель, фотографии с ним публикуются в Instagram-аккаунте сети.

У модели имеется татуировка «Секретный рецепт успеха» — это отсылка к «секретной» смеси трав и специй ресторанов KFC. Акция с виртуальным Сандерсом продлится до 22 апреля. В планах модели прорекламировать продукты Old Spice и TurboTax.

KFC (до 1991 года — Kentucky Fried Chicken — «Жареный цыплёнок из Кентукки») — международная сеть ресторанов общественного питания, специализирующаяся на блюдах из курицы. Компания KFC была основана предпринимателем Харландом Сандерсом, начавшим продавать блюда из жареной курицы во времена Великой депрессии.


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Публикация от Colonel Harland Sanders (@kfc)


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I may be a restaurant mogul and international inspiration, but I’m still just a kid who loves being in the kitchen. #humble It’s important never to lose sight of the things that make you who you are. For me, it’s being in the kitchen and making amazing fried chicken. That’s what got me here, and I never want to lose that young and hungry Colonel who spent all his time perfecting fried chicken. I’m still that kid who straps on an apron and makes fried chicken. And I’ll never lose that part of me. Never lose the things that make you who you are. This is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. #candid #candidkitchen #colonelskitchen #humble #friedchicken #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #majorkey #cookingram #cooking

Публикация от Colonel Harland Sanders (@kfc)


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I talk a lot about spiritual and emotional well-being and how to be successful, but another big part of being successful and emotionally and spiritually good is being physically good by going to the gym. Gotta sweat it out and push myself to be the best I can be. And you should too. Hit the gym at least once a day like me. Feels great to find something more within yourself—it’s life affirming. Going to the gym is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. #gym #gymselfie #ad #beyourbestself #friedchicken #advice #success #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork #gymlife #fitness #fitfam #dreamteam

Публикация от Colonel Harland Sanders (@kfc)


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Check it out, fried chicken fam. Not only did I turn myself into a digital, computer-generated influencer, I also got some ink. The one and only @misterctoons gave me this amazing tattoo. I feel like I am both the canvas and inspiration for this beauty. Always try to inspire like I do when I’m making amazing fried chicken. Inspiration is part of my #secretrecipeforsuccess. Stay tuned to my IG to see more from my virtual life, and I’ll also be dropping some wisdom that I call the #secretrecipeforsuccess to help you achieve your dreams. #secretrecipeforsuccess #likeminded #friedchicken #friedchickentattoo  #entrepreneur #behindthecurtain #keys #respect #inspiration #positive #positivethoughts #artistatwork

Публикация от Colonel Harland Sanders (@kfc)

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